Thursday, July 29, 2010

Scrapbook Expo - Summer Wishes Make & Take

For those of you who stopped by our booth at the Scrapbook Expo a couple of weekends ago here is the first of three videos featuring the make and takes I offered at the event. I have included a list of supplies I used and here's a little secret, I primarily used left overs from our wonderful Splendor Workshop on the Go. I don't know about you, but I sure thought it was a great way to use up my supplies after making the featured layouts and cards.

Order the supplies listed below and you will be able to create these adorable layouts and cards, in addition to the make and take shown in the video. Shop online and have the items shipped right to your doorstep.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Close To My Heart Extravaganza Artwork - "Party"

Board Images Removed
(submitting for a couple of contests)

Detail Images
(you can click on the images to see them larger) 
Create custom glitter dimensional elements by first coloring them (using re-inker and a sponge dauber provides an intense color, while sponging will create softer colors), ink dimensional element with Versamark, sprinkle with a mixture of clear embossing powder and Prisma Glitter and then heat emboss. Watch for cool color variations based on how long heat is applied.

Enhance regular brads with Liquid Glass and Prisma Glitter. Cover each brad with Liquid Glass, sprinkle with Prisma Glitter, allow to dry before attaching to your project.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Achieving your dreams...

This year my sweet neighbor achieved her dream of publishing her very first book. This last week, she completed her book signing at Cutter's Point in Covington, Washington and got to experience the joys of being a super star. Which if you were to go any where with Amy, you'd know that she has been one for a very long time (every one knows her, every where she goes). Congratulations Amy on achieving your dream!

Order your copy here.

“If you’re looking for a cliffhanger with mind-boggling twists and turns, this might not be the book for you. I’m not a mountaineer; I’m just a mama. If you’re looking for deep historical references, Greek and Latin word-root explanations or deep theological epiphanies, I’m probably not your gal. But if you want to read about how God has brought about extraordinary blessings, grace, comfort, healing, love and laughter in the midst of everyday circumstances, that is what this book is about. My hope and prayer is that you will feel a burning desire to take a break from the hustle and bustle of your busy life, that you might see how God is at work in your corner of the world as well.”

~Amy Munson, Author

Here is what other's are saying...
“The author draws the reader in with her humor, then holds the reader's attention with her honesty and transparency. As a result, I repeatedly found myself learning life lessons along with the author. I appreciate her vulnerability that allowed me to glean from her wisdom.”
~ Amazon Review 

“This book is great! Amy Munson draws us into her crazy-fun life full of husband, kids, dogs, chickens, family and friends, and shares why she'd never trade it for anything! She's got a great sense of humor, and her writing style makes you feel like she's sitting in the same room chatting with you... over a cup of coffee, of course.
I laughed until the tears rolled down my face, and even had to leave the room so I didn't disturb my sleeping husband when I couldn't stop. And I cried when she shared her heart aches, too. Through it all, she shares how this time without the constant distraction of Facebook drew her closer to God - and it just might draw you closer, too.”
~Amazon Review

“This young woman is a phenomenal writer! You MUST read this book. It will change your life.”
 ~Post from “Fans of Life Without Facebook: My Lenten Journey” 

Close To My Heart Extravaganza Artwork - Olivia

Detail Images 
(you can click on the images to see them larger) 

Paint stamped letters and images with Liquid Glass, sprinkle with Prisma Glitter, allow to dry and add to your project for custom glittery accents.

Add dots of Glitz Glue to create faux sparkly brads.

Outline images with Glitz Glue to make them stand out and shine.

Add spice to brads by layering them with Liquid Glass, Glitz Glue, Brads, Pearls, Opaques, etc.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Close To My Heart Extravaganza Artwork - You Rock

Over the next week I'll be sharing artwork from my Convention Extravaganza class "All That Glitters." As always I am honored to be selected to teach and honestly a little shocked. This year only 32 were selected and ladies let me tell you, I am in awe of all the other artists and humbled to be among this select group. Back in May I was sent a box of unreleased product to create inspiring artwork. Then at Convention teach fellow Consultants new techniques and show off the exciting new products. As Extravaganza approaches I become a bundle of nerves and wonder why I do this to myself. After the first session is over, I am already looking forward to the next Extravaganza and crossing my fingers that I'll be selected to teach once again!

Detail Images
(you can click on the images to see them larger)

Add Sparkles to Background & Texture paper to enhance the design and add shimmer. Create your own designs, by using the sparkles to create shapes such as circles, hearts, starbursts, etc.

Highlight Background and Texture paper designs with Liquid Glass to add dimension and shine.

Make focal points pop by outlining them with Glitz Glue.

Add dots of Glitz Glue to create faux sparkly brads.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Close To My Heart Convention - Saturday, July 10, 2010

I have to admit I was a little hesitant about general session on Saturday morning. Not because I didn't want to hear what was coming up, but simply because I forgot my kleenex. I knew that first up was a special Operation Smile keynote speaker.  At our last event there was not a dry eye in the room as we learned more about Operation Smile and how each and everyone of us who purchase from Close To My Heart help to fix the smile of thousands of children.  How rewarding it is to work with a company that gives so much to such a worthy cause!

Convention would not be complete without a game show hosted by our hilarious Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Kristine Widtfeldt. Having Ginni up on stage made it even more fun - this woman can make and entire room laugh when she does. 

Time for a little more creativity! Look close and you can see a good selection of upcoming product :)

At our closing banquet were wowed by a phenomenal artist who painted Jeanette in under 5 minutes and then entertained by the hilarious Anita Renfroe.

Convention was coming to and end. To finish it off Monica announced the location of Convention 2011 and the next incentive trip in 2012. We'll be heading to the Happiest Place on Earth Disneyland for Convention and then Hawaii for the incentive trip! I'd love to have you join us visit my website to sign up or contact me at or (425) 413-4280 for more information.

*All photos taken by Close To My Heart's photographer.

9:00–11:00 amGeneral Session
11:00 am–1:00 pmLunch - Buttercup Bistro
11:15 am–12:45 pmDisplay Room/Internet Café 
11:30 am–12:30 pmSpirit of Close To My Heart Alumni Luncheon (by invitation only)
1:00–5:30 pmBusiness Classes/Create & Take
7:30–10:30 pmClosing Banquet (dinner included)

Close To My Heart Convention - Friday, July 9, 2010

Our morning started off with general session where our keynote speaker was Mary Christensen. She has the cutest accent that I found fun to listen to.

After lunch it was time for business classes (that I ALWAYS love) and then to get creative with the first session of Create & Takes.

Our day ended with our Awards Gala complete with marvelous entertainment. I am always in awe of the many women (and men, hi Phil) who walk across the stage. Congratulations to each and everyone of your for all your hard work.  I'd like to especially congratulate my friends Melissa, Dana and Joanne for being selected as our next Advisory Board members (these ladies are our voice at Corporate for the next year)!

*All photos taken by Close To My Heart's photographer.

8:00–9:00 amAlbum Contest Voting
9:00–11:00 amGeneral Session
11:00 am–1:00 pmLunch - Buttercup Bistro
11:30 am –12:30 pmAdvisory Board Alumni Luncheon (by invitation only)
11:00 am –12:45 pm      Display Room/Internet Café
11:15 am–12:45 pmSilent Auction
11:15 am–12:45 pmAlbum Contest Voting (voting ends at 12:45 pm)
1:00–5:30 pmBusiness Classes/Create & Take
5:30–7:00 pmDisplay Room/Internet Café 
5:30–6:30 pmSilent Auction (bidding closes at 6:30 pm)
5:30–7:30 pmDinner (on own)
7:30–9:30 pmAwards Gala
9:30–10:00 pmAward Recipients Reception

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday Conner
photos through the years

Today is a very special day! I am returning home from a marvelous Convention feeling inspired and invigorated. Best of all I am returning home to celebrate Conner's 6th Birthday.  It is hard to believe that 6 years could pass so quickly.

The day Conner arrived making us a family!

On Conner's first birthday, we (Brian, I and my best friend Billie and her boyfriend William) bought him a Jeep. Everyone laughed at me because he was obviously too little to drive it. I think he was three before he really started to get it down.  We still have the Jeep and Blake loves ripping around the yard.

Conner turns two. He still has these tools, although today is has progressed from toy tools to actual tools. Building robots is one of his favorite activities. Give him a box, bolts, wires, pretty much any left over and he'll have hours of fun.

As Conner turns three, he is soon to be promoted to big brother and what an awesome big brother he will be. I love this photo! I remember the photographer apologizing that he wasn't able to get a better one of Conner. I smiled at him and told him that he did a wonderful job actually capturing "Conner." He shys away from attention and takes awhile to warm up, but he SO wants to be involved.

At four he is beginning to seem very grown up. We started preschool this year. Which he enjoys, although we are struggling learning the importance of following instructions. He is a very independent thinker and prefers his own creative endeavors over those projects the teacher wants him to complete.

Five arrives! We held a big birthday party to celebrate and invited his preschool friends (normally, we only invite family and a close friend or two). Many would assume that because Conner tends to be shy, he wouldn't want a large party. Quite the opposite, he was in heaven. He loved having everyone over and he is far more social than I am or have ever been. This summer passed quickly and soon I watched my first baby head off to Kindergarten (we won't talk about the tears I had to blink away).

Today, my sweet son turns six! I feel unbelievably blessed to have been granted the joy of having him in my life. Happy Birthday Conner! I sure do love you!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Convention Opening Day (7/8/10)

So best of intentions - I really thought that I would manage to snap photos and have them up every night for a scheduled blog posting. As you can see the schedule postings happened without daily updates from Convention. I always seem to forget just how busy we are while here. However, tonight I have finally uploaded some photos (hence the repost).

Before we get to the photos from Thursday, I have a few photos left over from Weds. to show. These ladies are just too much fun! This was a rare moment of downtime before Team Meetings.

Tracey Mason, Nona Davenport, Donna Smith & Yulanda
*Tracey won the Album Contest! Congratulations!!

Opening day of Close To My Heart Convention blew our socks off as always. We always wonder if they'll be able to top previous years and without a doubt they did! The schedule at the bottom shows our fun for the day.  Today was my big day to teach Extravaganza (new product demonstrations to approximately 400 Consultants in 8 20 minute sessions). I was so nervous, probably more so than the firs time I did it. The night before I was still up at 2:30am running through my class over and over again in my head.Once the first session was complete the nerves subsided and I am already ready to sign up again next year.I'll be posting my artwork shortly after I return.

Nona Davenport and I

Immediatlely after Extravaganza I had to run back to my room to change for our Director's Dinner. With only 14 minutes to go before being whisked off to a cruise on the Potomac, it was certainly a quick change. While enjoying our meals we were treated to the sights of DC and a chance to mingle with Jeanette, the Corporate staff and other Directors. What a treat!
Myself, Melissa Laverty & Lisa Stenz
Lisa Stenz & Jeanette Lynton (Founder, CEO of CTMH)
Jeanette Lynton (Founder, CEO of CTMH) & Myself
7:00–9:00 amConvention Registration
9:00–11:00 amGeneral Session
11:00 am–1:00 pmLunch - Buttercup Bistro
11:15 am –12:45 pmDisplay Room/Internet Café
11:15 am –12:45 pmSilent Auction Begins
11:15 am –12:45 pmAlbum Contest Voting Begins
1:00–5:00 pmExtravaganza
5:00–10:00 pmDisplay Room/Internet Café
5:00–10:00 pmAlbum Contest Voting
5:00–10:00 pmSilent Auction
5:00–7:30 pmDinner (on own)
6:00–10:30 pmDirectors Dinner
7:30–9:00 pmMix & Mingle

Alright it is time to hit the sack so I am rested and ready for another smashing day (it is already 1am here, who said we get to sleep at Convention?).
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